The Dance Factory News
Archie is going
to Laine
So proud of this gorgeous young man!
I feel sad for us at TDF saying goodbye but happy for the amazing future he’s got ahead of him at Laine Theatre Arts (& onwards!) 💗
It’s so lovely for Miss Ashley & myself to send our student to the same college that we trained at! Good luck Archie xx

The Dance Factory
is back!
We are so delighted to be back teaching dance again after the lock down. On Monday 7 September 2020, we opened our doors to our fabulous tap dancing students. It's wonderful to be back and it is so good to be in our new studio. We are looking forward to seeing all our students this week.
Village Connect
Look at our lovely write up in the Village Connect 💗

The Dance Factory
has a new Studio
On the 22 July Miss Katy announced that she had sign all the paperwork for the new Dance Factory Studio on Orion Way in Kettering. So exciting!

May 2020 – Miss Katy, the Principal of the Dance Factory launches new website. We hope you like the look and feel of our new website!

Even more exams today!
8 March 2020 - Another weekend with students taking their exams. You have been practising so hard, I know you will dance beautifully!

More exams today!
1 March 2020 - Everyone is very excited today, it's exam day! You have all prepared well, you will be amazing

It's exam time!
17 February 2020 - Our lovely dancers prepare to take their exams today.
Congratulations Kirsty
9 September 2019 - Kirsty heads off to Italia Conti. How exciting! Well done Kirsty, this is a wonderful achievement.

Our Summer Party 2019
July 2019 - The Dance Factory summer party held at the Village Hall in Mawsley.
Everyone had a fun time dressing up and dancing of course!

Dance for
20 July 2019 - Some of our Festival dancers dance at Tesco's in Kettering in the Charity Dance Event